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Playcare Early Learning Centre Inc. offers a program that is consistent with The Ministry of Educations policies, pedagogy and curriculum. Some of the Ministry Documents that we use to enhance our program are:


  • How does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years

  • Ontario Early Years Framework

  • Ontario Early Learning Framework

  • Think, Feel and Act: Lessons from research about Young Children

  • Early Learning for every child today


Playcare uses the Emergent Curriculum Approach, which emphasizes active learning and engagement. We know that children learn best when they are interested in learning therefore by teachers offering opportunities for engagement, children can be active contributors to their learning.


Playcare recognizes that learning happens when a child is viewed as competent, capable of complex thinking, curious and rich in potential. Children in our Centre should feel a sense of belonging and be an active contributor to his/her own learning. Every child is unique in his/her abilities and they deserve a place to explore, be encouraged and develop in their own way.


At Playcare we provide an environment that fosters curiosity, encourages children to ask questions and is filled with play based learning materials. We believe that children deserve to be in a safe, caring and supportive environment in order to reach their maximum potential.


Playcare understands that in order for a child to be successful, families, teachers and children must all work together to build a rich environment for learning with open and honest communication.


We recognize that learning happens when the following goals are met:


  • Every child has a sense of belonging when he or she is connected to others and contributes to their world.

  • Every child is developing a sense of sense and well-being.

  • Every child is active and engaged in our program and is allowed to explore the environment.

  • Every child is a capable communicator who expresses himself in many ways.


Playcare has also incorporated the four principles of ELECT into our program.

They are as follows:


Principle 1: Positive experiences in early childhood set the foundation for lifelong learning, behaviour, healthy and well being.

Principle 2: Partnerships with families and communities are essential.

Principle 3: Respect for diversity, equity and inclusion is vital.

Principle 4; An intentional, planned program supports learning.

Principle 5: Play and inquiry are learning approaches that capitalize on children’s natural curiosity and exuberance.

Principle 6: Knowledgeable, responsive, and reflective educators are essential.


We strive to be an Early Childhood Program that:


  • Establishes positive and responsive relationships with children and their families.

  • Values children as individuals and as active competent contributors with their own interests and points of view.

  • Provides an environment and experiences for children to explore ideas, investigate theories and interact with others in play.

  • Engages with families and supports each child within the context of his or her family.

  • Provides ongoing opportunities for our educators to engage in critical reflection and discussion with others about pedagogy, and practice to support continuous professional learning.


The goals of our program are:


  • To ensure the health, safety and well being of all children in our care by ensuring that all staff coming to work for us are trained and have opportunities for ongoing training. Staff also review the childcare operations and communicate effectively with families.


  • Encourage positive communication and self-regulation amongst children and families in our care through positive daily communication, meetings, tadpole reports, newsletters and our open door policy.


  • Interact and communicate with children positively  and support their ability to self regulate  and build resiliency by providing tools to staff and families  and building a communication plan when required for individual children


  • Foster Children exploration, Play and Inquiry by allowing them to take part in open ended  learning experiences, opportunities for outdoor exploration and outside programs such as our music program and our sports programs.


  • To support a program that is child initiated and adult supported through daily and ongoing observations  and documentation that support child initiated play and experiences.


  • To create a positive, nurturing  learning environment, rich in materials where learning is supported.  Incorporate indoor and outdoor play as well as active play, rest time and quiet time into the day and considering the individual needs of children by creating developmentally appropriate learning experiences.


  • Foster strong parent communication through day to day communication both in person ad via our tadpoles app which provides electronic daily report that includes pictures and videos.


  • Involve local community partners to support children, families and educators  to help support and build an extension  to the curriculum


  • Support our educators by providing ongoing opportunities  for professional development  by encouraging them to further their knowledge by enrolling in the Early Childhood Apprentice program or for completed Educators providing  ongoing workshops and training.


Parents can expect our educators to:


  • Cultivate authentic, caring relationships and connections to create a sense of belonging between children, adults and the world around them.

  • Nurture children’s healthy development and support their growing sense of self.

  • Provide environments and experiences to engage children in active, creative and meaningful exploration, play and inquiry.

  • Foster communication in all forms.

  • Document Children’s learning, exploration and development thorough online pictures and reports via our Tadpoles program.


Lastly, our staff at Playcare is attuned to what children know, and what they wonder about. Our teachers strive to engage, observe and listen to our children. They partner closely with Parents and other educators to provide open and honest communication while working as a team. Our Staff are co-learners guiding children’s daily exploration and learning.


Health, Safety, Nutrition and Well-being:


We understand that the first step in establishing and nurturing the health, safety and well being, is through the connections that they make with our Program Staff, Volunteers and Students. Here are some specific ways that we promote well-being in our program:


Health and Safety - As a Licensed Operator we exceed all health and safety requirements of the Ministry of Education as well as York Public Health. We provide Parents transparent information on our Parent Board as well as The Parent Handbook. We also are available to provide information to parents in regards to health and safety and how it affects the children in our care.


Nutrition - Playcare constantly consults with a nutritionist to design and implement menus for our Program. Our menus follow Canada’s Food Guide and we ensure that children are eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. We offer, Breakfast, Lunch and three snacks daily. We also accommodate reasonable dietary and religious food requirements.


Relationships among children, families, staff and community


It is important to foster relationships amongst families and outside community resources.


At Playcare we strive to promote a sense of belonging for our children and families. Personalized care and service is always a top priority and we will ensure that no child or parent ever feels like a number in our Centre.


All children are given an equal opportunity for learning and to develop personal responsibility and social skills, most importantly to learn about diversity and inclusion.


We are committed to working collaboratively with all our community partners as we work together on a mutual goal of providing the best possible child care service to families.


Positive Self Expression, Communication and self-regulation.


Playcare strives to promote a sense of belonging for our children and families by creating positive interactions and collaboration for families.


We foster support and encourage and document the way in which children express themselves, the many “Voices” that they use and demonstrate their ideas and the variety of “languages” that they speak. We also encourage and respect diversity and understand that children have a home language.


We encourage inclusion and make our programs available to children of all ages. We respect diversity, equity and inclusion for all children in our care.


We create an inclusive environment by:


  • Recognizing that every child has equal rights to participate in all aspects of our program.

  • Recognize and respect the unique qualities in every family including; ancestry, culture, ethnicity, race, language, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, family environment and development.

  • Create strategies that value and respect the child’s first language.

  • Create programming that fosters an inclusive environment.


Play Based Learning


Our Program is play based learning; the way that children naturally learn best. Play is a natural response to the environment. When children are creating, acting out roles, using their imaginations, questioning and experimenting. They are engaged in learning through play.


We encourage children to develop self-regulation, the ability to deal with stress and remain calm. When children are calmly focused they are able to modulate their emotions, pay attention and ignore distractions. It also allows them to understand the consequences of their actions.

Parent engagement and communication


We believe that in order to successfully partner in a child’s learning and development that we have to partner with the parent to successfully help children grow.


We ensure that we communicate appropriately and timely with parents through oral, written and technology. We ensure that families feel supported and that we are providing high quality, safe and affordable childcare to families.


We recognize the following when partnering with Families:


Families form the foundation for a child’s early development. Families know their children best and are the first and most powerful; influence on learning and development. We encourage strong parent involvement in our programs and this connects them to their child’s early development, and enhances the child’s learning.


We encourage daily interactions with program staff; as well we offer many opportunities for feedback and involvement.


Supporting staff in continuous professional learning


Playcare is committed to hiring and training the best possible staff, We hire staff that are positive and sensitive towards the needs of others. We provide an opportunity for employment and believe that every one has worth and value.  We value and respect diversity and are an equal opportunity employer.


Our staff fosters creativity and inquiry. They plan based on daily children’s observations. They then extend learning to deeper investigation with materials and the environment.


Through positive adult-child interactions, Playcare staff work closely with children to extend their learning and by encouraging them to build on existing knowledge. Playcare staff develops an intentionally planned program that supports learning.


At Playcare our staff strive to:


  • Recognize and respond to the unique abilities of each child and family.

  • Engage with children as co-learners as they explore their environment.

  • Provoke children’s thinking and create meaningful programs.

  • Use a warm approach to support children.

  • Make critical observations and document.

  • Make a commitment to the Centre and its program by building awareness, reflect on practices and engage in learning.


All our Lead teachers have completed studies in the field of Early Childhood Education. Our Early Childhood Educators are registered with the college and all other program staff receives specific training and support. We ensure that every staff member is trained and qualified to work with children, and has proficient knowledge of CCEYA and all Health and Safety Regulations.


Documentation and evaluating our program


At Playcare we understand that pedagogical documentation is a way for staff to learn about how children think and learn. Our staff uses this documentation to plan for future learning.


The purpose of documentation is a way to value children’s experiences and help them reflect.

Assisting in making the world visible to children.

A way to reflect on developmental growth.

A dialogue with families about children experiences.

A self-reflection opportunity.


Our staff welcome children, families and community in to our Centre each day to help learn, grow and develop.

Program Statement & Implementation Policy


Playcare Early Learning centre through its program review, development and implementation supports The Ministry Of Educations Vision For Learning. We are responsive to the needs and the policies and guidelines established by The Ministry Of Education.Responsibilities of the Staff & Supervisor


Young children do not learn because they are taught, they learn as a result of their own doing. Through actions, relationships, inquiries, opportunities and repetition. This is the foundation of Emergent curriculum. Our teacher’s partner with your children, seeking answers to their questions and supporting investigation. Playcare is the laboratory, offering the learning materials and tools to inspire each child.


Young children develop an astonishing number of brain cell tendrils called “dendrites”. These grow when learning occurs, connecting one cell to another. Without these connections brain cells diminish.


Children learn and develop these dendrites when they:


Run, Socialize, Paint, Throw, Question, Rhyme, Jump

Read, Catch, Climb, Scream, Create, Dress up, Listen

Kick, Observe, Pull, Shape, Speak, Sing, Hit

Swing, Push, and more...

When children participate in planned learning opportunities and daily activities, their brain cells establish permanent connections between the activity and the feelings of delight and success. If activities at School and at home are boring, result in negative feedback, require memorization or lack of stimulation or motion the child’s brain will establish permanent negative associations with school and learning.


At Playcare we strive to promote an active, fun program for children that allows them to actively explore activities to promote success and a love for learning. Our first and foremost goal is to inspire delight, curiosity and inquiry in the classroom. We feel that this is the greatest gift our teachers can give a child to prepare them for Kindergarten and beyond.


Historically, preschools and childcare centres in Canada have followed a classroom model in which the teacher chose what information and activities the children would receive and when. In this model, the teacher provided age-appropriate activities based on published developmental stages. The teacher then created lesson plans and weekly themes, often for an entire year before the year even begins. One’s teaching success was measured by the ability to get the children to take in the chosen lesson and stay focused. The child’s success was measured by how well they could cut a straight line, for a letter, know the letter sound, arrange shapes by colour and of course, behave.


It only takes a slight shift from the traditional model to embrace the emergent curriculum approach.

  • First we transform the image of the child from that of an empty vessel being filled by the knowledge of the teacher. Instead, the child is seen as having preparedness, potential, curiosity and interest in constructing their own learning

  • Next we begin to assume that inquiries and how long they explore are chosen by the child.

  • Lastly, work is not carried out according to a preconceived plan a year or a month in advance.  Educators allow children to pursue learning different spaces, using different materials and encouraging them to as questions and explore their outcomes.


Thus, the formal lesson plan becomes obsolete. The emergent curriculum focuses more on documentation and the process of learning on both a group and individual basis. Teachers must understand how and what children learn and how to recognize moments when they can support children by asking questions, providing tools, sharing a story and helping to find an answer.


Many children exhibit rambunctious and even aggressive behaviour in Preschool that can include hitting, kicking and biting. According to current research, all of these activities are developmentally normal. As a society of educators and parents we have been much better at recognizing  that some children learn in the Dramatic Area or at the Sand Table. We are however less welcoming of ways that cause impact, noise, chaos and fiction. Providing SAFE ways to carry of these activities at Daycare is essential.


Our staff are expected to recognize that critical learning takes place during conflict and during activities that may be labeled as “unacceptable”. Our curriculum recognizes that children have varying learning styles and that they can actually learn much more from running and kicking a ball, than learning to pronounce the correct letter sound. We will continue to provide outdoor time for active exploration and continue to support the varied learning styles.


Our complete list of goals and methods is below. Playcare Early Learning Centre Inc. will provide ongoing training to parents and staff with opportunities for input, evaluation and improvement.


How we do this:


  • Written evidence of learning for each classroom via our tadpoles system as well as posting samples of work for parents to view

  • We will display art work and documentation of activities in the classroom environment

  • We will provide ongoing staff training and professional development

  • We will provide activities in our Dramatic play, block, science, sensory, literacy and manipulative areas

  • We will provide children with an opportunity to experience conflict resolution in a safe setting

  • We will provide opportunities to run, jump, sing, write, read, create, throw, catch while being nurtured and cared for.


Why we do this:


Simply because this is how children learn. They do not learn by sitting in front of a teacher who imparts knowledge, they do not learn through flashcards and they do not learn by colouring in a stencil. They learn by self-directing and they succeed in the future by learning to love school. Their delight and spontaneous wonder will always be our first priority.


Upon completing a walk-through, virtual tour or phone meeting at Playcare Early Learning Centre Inc, the supervisor or tour designate will inform you of the next available date of care or whether the start date you have requested is available. Should the start date you requested not be available due to full registrations and you are looking for full-time care, you may choose to be placed on a wait list, with no deposit required. Being on the  waitlist does NOT secure a spot for your child(ren). By filling out a wait list form, you understand and acknowledge that you are being placed on a wait list with no secure or guaranteed start date. Playcare will contact you in the order in which your wait list form was submitted and present to you the first date of care that becomes available.


In the case an in-house family or staff is in need of a spot they may receive priority over new families. Humanitarian and compassionate grounds apply to people with exceptional cases based on supervisor discretion.

When an opening becomes available, parents will be contacted via mass email through our tadpoles program, to notify parents of any availability. One parents respond and express an interest the supervisor will then go in order of the waitlist and offer the space to the person interested that inquired first.

Once a parent is offered a space a completed registration form will secure the childcare spot offered to you. The registration form and registration fee are required within 24 hours of contact to secure the available spot. Failure to bring registration form and registration fee within this timeframe will result in the forfeit of the available childcare spot and you will be offered the next available spot or removed off the list at your request

Should you decide that you do not want the next available date of care that is offered to you, Playcare will contact the next family on the wait list, thereby forfeiting your spot on the waitlist.

A record of the wait list will be kept online in the order they are received . Parents who wish to know their position on the waitlist are to call the office where the supervisor or designate will inform the family verbally of their number in line. Additionally, families who wish to visit the centre to know their current position on the waitlist will be informed verbally by the supervisor or designate what their current position is.


This is how we deal with the following incidents:


A) Conduct, which is injurious to the moral tone of the Centre, of the physical or mental well being of others in the Centre:


First Incident: Staff will speak to the child and parents will be informed through a discussion.


Second Incident: At the discretion of the Supervisor the family may be notified in writing of termination of services.


B) Behaviour that becomes a safety hazard to children and staff:


First Incident: Documentation and a written warning will be given to Parents/Guardians.


Second Incident: Parents will be called to immediately pick up their child and at the discretion of the Supervisor termination of services will occur.


C) If a Parent becomes physically or verbally abusive to any staff member:


First Incident: The family will be notified in writing of automatic termination of services to family. Police intervention may be necessary.


D) Failure for Parents to comply with the policies agreed upon in the Parent Handbook:


First Incident: Discussion with the Supervisor and a written warning will be given


Second Incident: The family will be notified in writing of termination of service to the family.


E) Parents/Guardians that fall more than four  weeks in arrears in their fees with no explanations or, payment schedule is not worked out with the Centre Supervisor:


First Incident: The family will be notified in writing of the termination of services.


  • We show respect for our self, others and the environment. We take responsibility for our actions and words, to ensure that children are ready to work in a safe and healthy learning environment in which positive behaviour and good citizenship are standards. All adults have the responsibility to act as good role models. Foul language, name-calling and shouting are not appropriate. Individuals displaying this type of behaviour will be asked to leave immediately.

  • We have a responsibility to practice self-control with our words and actions so that we treat one another with civility and dignity at all times, especially when there is disagreement, difference of opinion or a potentially violent situation. Inappropriate behaviour or harassment of any kind will result in immediate intervention and may result in a family’s expulsion or police intervention.

  • We do not permit weapons of any kind on the property or alcohol and illicit drugs. Once again failure to comply will result in expulsion and police intervention.

  • Gossip and public criticism can be very harmful to one another. There should be no discussion of concerns with other parents in the Centre hallways, parking lot or electronic mediums such as Facebook or other forms of Public information sharing.

  • Children’s cubbies are to be used for staff to family communication and cannot be used for solicitation or business promotion without permission.


Name of Child Care Centre: Playcare Early Learning Centre Inc

Date Policy and Procedures Established: November 5, 2017

Date Policy and Procedures Updated: April 30, 2021



Children’s sleep and rest play an integral part in a child’s well-being and development. The purpose of this policy and procedures described within is to provide staff, students and volunteers with rules and procedures to follow to safeguard children from harm, injury or death while sleeping.

The procedures provided for placing children under 12 months of age on their own backs for sleep align with the requirement to meet the recommendations set out in Health Canada’s document entitled “Joint Statement on Safe Sleep: Preventing Sudden Infant Deaths in Canada.

Procedures for monitoring sleeping children reduce the risk of harm or injury so that caregivers can look for and identify signs of distress and implement immediate responses to protect the health and safety of children.

This policy is intended to fulfill the obligations set out under Ontario Regulation 137/15 for sleep policies for child care centres.

Note: definitions for terms used throughout this policy are provided in a Glossary at the end of the document.




·       All children will be provided with the opportunity to sleep or engage in quiet activities based on their needs.

·       Children under 12 months of age will be provided time to sleep based on their individual schedules, and will be assigned to a crib/cradle. Children between 12-18 months of age, who receive child care for six hours or more, will be assigned to a crib/cradle or cot in accordance with written instructions from a child’s parent.

·       Only Sleep sacs will be permitted in cribs and blankets if a child is over 18 months of age

·       Children 18 months or older but younger than 30 months, who receive child care for six hours or more, will be provided time to sleep for a period of no more than two hours each day, and will be assigned to a cot if in our toddler class. Children in our infant room will sleep in cribs.

·       Children 30 months or older but younger than six years old, who receive child care for six hours or more, will be provided with a cot unless otherwise approved by a director.

·       Where children are sleeping in a separate sleep room or area, their names will be listed on the white board  so that staff can immediately identify which children are present in the room/area.


Placement of Children for Sleep

·       Children under 12 months of age will be placed in their assigned cribs/cradles for sleep.

·       All children who are younger than 12 months of age will be placed on their backs to sleep in accordance with the recommendations set out in Health Canada’s document entitled Joint Statement on Safe Sleep: Preventing Sudden Infant Deaths in Canada, unless other instructions are provided in writing by the child’s physician. Parents of these children will be advised of the centre’s obligation to place their child(ren) to sleep on their backs.

·       Children between 12 and 18 months of age will be placed in their assigned cribs, or cots for sleep.

·       Children over 18 months of age who sleep in our toddler room will be placed on individual cots for sleep.

·       Toddlers who are in our infant room will remain in cribs


Consultation with Parents

·       All parents of children who regularly sleep at the child care centre will be advised of the centre’s policies and procedures regarding sleep at the time of their child’s enrolment and/or any time the policies and procedures are revised, as applicable. This information will be available to parents in the Parent Handbook.

·       The Director  will consult with parents about their child’s sleeping arrangements at the time of enrolment and at any other appropriate time (e.g. when a child transitions to a new program or room, or at the parent’s request). 

·       Written documentation will be kept in each child’s file to reflect the sleep patterns identified by their parent, and updates to the documentation will be made whenever changes are communicated to the child care centre. 

·       All sleep arrangements will be communicated to program staff by the The Director  after meeting with the parent/guardian.

·       Parents will be advised by the supervising staff of any significant changes in their child’s behaviours during sleep and/or sleeping patterns.

·       Staff will document their observations of changes in a child’s sleep behaviours in the daily written record and on the tadpoles app.

·       Any changes in sleep behaviours will result in adjustments being made to the child’s supervision during sleep time, where appropriate, based on consultation with the child’s parent.


Direct Visual Checks

·       Direct visual checks of each sleeping child (i.e. every child placed for sleep in a crib/cradle or cot) will be conducted to look for indicators of distress or unusual behaviours. Direct visual checks will be documented by staff by recording it on the paper log or in the tadpoles app.

·       Direct visual checks are not required for children engaging in quiet activities, but these children will be supervised at all times.

·       For infants (children under 18 months of age), direct visual checks will be completed at a frequency of every 20mins and may be increased based on the observed sleeping patterns and/or medical needs of each infant.

·       The frequency of direct visual checks and the steps to complete them will depend on the typical sleep patterns of each child and their age, as identified in the sleep supervision procedures provided in this policy. 

·       Staff will ensure that all sleep areas have adequate lighting available to conduct the direct visual checks of sleeping children. 


Use of Electronic Devices

·       These are not used in our centre


Additional Policy Statements

Parents of children in our Preschool group may request that they don’t nap based on the child’s needs not the parents. We cannot keep a child awake who physically needs to sleep. All classes reduce ratio during nap time. Despite having reduced ratios children may get off their bed in the Junior and Preschool class if they can’t sleep. It is too hard of an expectation to expect children to stay quiet on their beds for 2 hours.



Age Group                         Frequency of Direct Visual Checks*

Infant                                  According to each infant’s needs as identified by their parent, or at least every 20 mins .

Toddler                               Every hour

Preschool                           No longer required


* This is the minimum frequency of direct visual checks.  Should a child have symptoms of illness (e.g. a cold) or if there are other issues or concerns related to the child’s health, safety and well-being during sleep, the frequency of direct visual checks must be increased. The individual needs of each child during sleep as identified by the parent and/or the child’s physician must be followed at all times.


Procedures for Completing Direct Visual Checks

1.     Staff must:

i.      be physically present beside the child;

ii.     check each child’s general well-being by looking for signs of distress or discomfort including, at a minimum:

·       laboured breathing;

·       changes in skin temperature;

·       changes in lip and/or skin colour;

·       whimpering or crying; and

·       lack of response to touch or voice.


2.     Where signs of distress or discomfort are observed, the staff who conducted the direct visual check must attempt to wake the child up. Where no signs of distress or discomfort are observed, proceed to step 3.


a)   Where the child wakes up, staff must:

i.      attend to the child’s needs;

ii.     separate the child from other children if the child appears to be ill;

iii.    document the incident in the daily log book and tadpoles app and in the child’s symptoms of ill health record, where applicable.


b)  Where the child does not wake up, staff must immediately:

i.      perform appropriate first aid and CPR, if required;

ii.     inform other staff, students and volunteers in the room of the situation;

iii.    contact emergency services or, where possible, direct another individual to contact emergency services;

iv.    separate the child from other children or vice versa if the child appears to be ill;

v.     inform the supervisor/designate of the situation; and

vi.    contact the child’s parent;


c)   Where the child must be taken home or to the hospital, the supervisor or designate must immediately:

i.      contact the child’s parent to inform them of the situation and next steps.


d)  Where the child’s condition has stabilized, and/or after the child has been taken home and/or to the hospital, the staff who conducted the direct visual check and any staff who assisted with responding to the incident must:

i.      follow the serious occurrence policies and procedures, where applicable;

ii.     document the incident in the daily written record; and

iii.    document the child’s symptoms of illness in the child’s records.


3.     Staff must:

i.      adjust blankets as needed;

ii.     ensure the child’s head is not covered;

iii.    ensure there are no other risks of suffocation present;

iv.    document the date, time and initial each direct visual check on the room’s sleep log or in the tadpole app; and

v.     verbally inform other staff in the room that the check has been completed, where applicable and possible.


Additional Sleep Supervision Procedures

Stuffed Animals aren’t recommended for cribs. If a child really needs it, we will permit it but if it can be avoided it is highly recommended


Each child will have their own individual labeled cot or crib and all sleeping locations will be shown on a cot layout sheet posted on the wall.

As of March 1, 2021 Direct visual checks of Preschoolers is no longer required.


How To Set Up Your Tadpoles Account


If you receive a “No child is registered” message please email us with your current email. This error message means we do not have your correct email on file.


How Families Can Set Up the mobile app

Entering notes for your teachers before your child is dropped off

Marking your child sick, absent or on vacation


Family Member entry Notifications – Medication Entry

Notifications if your child is not dropped off


Accessing your Child’s Portfolio


Android Devices


Frequently asked questions


Heat Alert

When York Region Public Health deems a “Heat Warning” staff can still go out providing they take water, apply lots of sunscreen and spend time outdoors for a reduced amount of time.

In the event that the Supervisor deems it too hot to go outdoor you will be notified via crew otherwise it is the expectation that every child goes out. A General rule is that the children will not go out if the temperature reaches 30 degrees Celsius or higher


Cold Alert

York Region will issue a cold weather alert when one of the following criteria are met:
Daily predicted temperature of -15 degrees Celsius with a Windchill or -20 degrees with the Windchill

Extreme weather conditions such as a blizzard or ice storm



Keep children indoors when the temp is -15 with or without the Windchill. (Keep infants indoors when below -8 with or without the wind chill)


If it’s too cold in the morning staff should reassess the weather mid-day and make every effort to take children out


Staff ensure children are warmly dresses covering exposed skin with boots, winter hats, mittens, hats and neck warmers


Staff change children’s wet footwear and socks immediately

Staff are able to recognize the symptoms of hypothermia and frostbite


Staff observe children for showing and signs of numbness in face, ears, hands and feet,


Winter Snowstorms

Staff make every effort to try and get to work during a winter storm. If the Centre deems is extremely bad and unsafe we will notify parents and staff via emergency alert


The Centre will automatically close at 5:00pm in the even that York Region busses are cancelled for the day. Staff that live the farthest will be sent home first


Winter Safety

Staff ensure that the walkway from the gate to the front door is shoveled each day, Staff also monitor for slippery conditions outside, so we can salt



Parents must authorize the use of sunscreen for children via blanket authorization. Staff must check the expiry date of all creams and sunscreens annually and discard them. Parents should be encouraged to apply the first layer in the morning and staff will apply subsequently as needed throughout the day.


Staff ensure that no sunscreen contain nut ingredients such as Shea or arachid that could be life threatening to a child.

Staff ensure they are using poly (Blue gloves for applying sunscreen)


Exemption due to illness

The children spend two hours outdoors daily as part of our programming. Parents cannot request that their children be kept indoor for any reason. Our ratios do not permit children to be kept indoors.


Strings on Hats

Staff must ensure that winter and Summer hats do not have strings that tie under the chin.

Safe Arrival and Dismissal Policy and Procedures


This policy and the procedures within help support the safe arrival and dismissal of children receiving care. 

This policy will provide staff, students, and volunteers with a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities for ensuring the safe arrival and dismissal of children receiving care, including what steps are to be taken when a child does not arrive at the childcare Centre as expected, as well as steps to follow to ensure the safe dismissal of children.

This policy is intended to fulfill the obligations set out under Ontario Regulation 137/15 for policies and procedures regarding the safe arrival and dismissal of children in care.




  • Playcare Early Learning Centre Inc will ensure that any child receiving childcare at the childcare Centre is only released to the child’s parent/guardian or an individual that the parent/guardian has provided written authorization the childcare Centre may release the child to.

  • Playcare will only dismiss children into the care of their parent/guardian or another authorized individual.  The Centre will not release any children from care without supervision.

  • A parent/guardian may not  request that any child be released from childcare without supervision.

  • Where a child does not arrive in care as expected or is not picked up as expected, staff must follow the safe arrival and dismissal procedures set out below.


Children may only be released to an adult 18 years or older that is physically on the tadpole app


Accepting a child into care

  1. When accepting a child into care at the time of drop-off, program staff in the room must:

    • greet the parent/guardian and child.

    • ask the parent/guardian how the child’s evening/morning has been and if there are any changes to the child’s pick-up procedure (i.e., someone other than the parent/guardian picking up).  Where the parent/guardian has indicated that someone other than the child’s parent/guardians will be picking up, the staff must confirm that the person is listed on The tadpole authorized contact section of the app or where the individual is not listed, ask the parent/guardian to provide authorization for pick-up via email to

    • document the change in pick-up procedure in the logbook

    • sign the child in on the classroom attendance record.

Where a child has not arrived in care as expected

  1. Where a child does not arrive at the childcare Centre and the parent/guardian has not communicated a change in drop-off (e.g., left a voice message or advised the closing staff at pick-up), the staff in the classroom must:

    • inform the supervisor or designate  and they must commence contacting the child’s parent/guardian no later than [9:30am  (The best time to call or message is while the children are eating breakfast) include time of day here (e.g., 10:00 am).]  Staff shall message via the app and if they do not get a response in 10 mins make a call. If they are unable to reach the parents, the staff will call all emergency contacts. In the event that we cannot still locate the child by 10:00am the York Regional Police will be called.

    • include additional steps for staff should they not be able to reach any of the above to confirm the child’s absence from care (e.g., Centre supervisor, licensee, police, etc.)

  2. Once the child’s absence has been confirmed, program staff shall document the child’s absence on the attendance record and any additional information about the child’s absence in the logbook .

Releasing a child from care

  1. The staff who is supervising the child at the time of pick-up shall only release the child to the child’s parent/guardian or individual that the parent/guardian has provided written authorization on the registration form. Those authorized contacts are then placed on our Tadpoles app for staff to use as a guide as to whom they may release the child to. Where the staff does not know the individual picking up the child (i.e., parent/guardian or authorized individual), they must ask for phot identification,

Where a child has not been picked up as expected (before Centre closes)

  1. Where a parent/guardian has previously communicated with the staff a specific time, or it is 5:30pm  the staff will contact the parents directly first through the app and then via phone.

    • Where the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian, staff must contact an authorized individual from the tadpole app which will also list their phone number. the staff shall proceed with contacting the individual to confirm pick-up as per the parent/guardian’s instructions or leave a voice message to contact the Centre.

Where a child has not been picked up and the Centre is closed

  1. Where a parent/guardian or authorized individual who was supposed to pick up a child from care and has not arrived by 5:40pm, staff shall ensure that the child is given a snack and activity, while they await their pick-up. 

  2. One staff shall stay with the child and call the parent/guardian to advise that the child is still in care and inquire their pick-up time.  In the case where the person picking up the child is an authorized individual; the staff shall contact parents first and then call the authorized contact.

  3. If the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian or authorized individual who was responsible for picking up the child, the staff shall any other emergency/authorized contacts.

  4. Where the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian or any other authorized individual listed on the child’s file (e.g., the emergency contacts) by 6;00pm, the staff shall proceed with contacting the local Children’s Aid Society (CAS) Tel:905-895-2318 contact information here.  Staff shall follow the CAS’s direction with respect to next steps.

Dismissing a child from care without supervision procedures

Staff will only release children from care to the parent/guardian or other authorized adult.  Under no circumstances will children be released from care to walk home alone.

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